The Minister of Finance Bill Morneau presented the 2019-2020 federal budget last afternoon. Key themes include growing the economy, implementing national pharmacare, investing in the middle class, and gender equality.

To assist First Time Home Buyers, the budget includes the following:

First-time homebuyers Incentive: First-time homebuyers whose household income is under $120,000 may qualify for an interest- free loan from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation of 10% for new homes and 5% for existing homes. This allows you to put more money down and borrow less for your mortgage. This will go into effect in September of 2019. Borrowers must have a down payment of at least 5% — but less than 20% — and a household income under $120,000.

The purchase price of the home cannot be more than four times the buyers’ household income. This effectively limits purchases to just below $480,000, which is close to the national average resale home price.

Home Buyer’s Plan: RRSP withdrawals increase to $35,000 from $25,000, whether married or common-law, even if separated or divorced, as long as the money is used for a first home.


If you are looking at getting into the market or want to better understand how these changes may affect you, please give me a call to discuss.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me

Call me today.

Alejandro Azuero 

Phone: 647 402  3660  –  1 877  758  1142

This article belongs to TMG The Mortgage Group website

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