The Bank of Canada raised its key lending rate by 75 basis points this morning, bringing it to 3.25%.

In its statement, the Bank said, “short-term inflation expectations remain high” and that inflation risks becoming “entrenched” the longer it remains elevated. As a result, the Bank says interest rates “will need to rise further.”

“As the effects of tighter monetary policy work through the economy, we will be assessing how much higher interest rates need to go to return inflation to target,” it added.

What happens now?


In the coming days, banks and other financial institutions are expected to follow the Bank of Canada’s lead and hike their prime lending rate, which is used to price variable-rate mortgages and personal and home equity lines of credit (HELOCs).

Fixed-rate mortgage holders will see no change to their rates.

This is the fifth consecutive rate increase from the Bank of Canada. If you have any concerns about this rise in borrowing costs, I encourage you to reach out so we can discuss your personal situation and options

Call me today!

Alejandro Azuero

Mortgage Agent License #M08008560
TMG The Mortgage Group
Phone – Whatsapp: 647 402 3660
Toll Free: 1877 758 1142

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